How to stay sane while working from home

Working from home sounds like the dream. No distractions from colleague chatter, home comforts all around and most importantly, no need to look presentable (pajama workwear, anyone?) However, the reality can be quite lonesome and we would all be lying if we didn’t admit that Netflix and bed are far more of a temptress than we thought. For many, the requirement to stay home in isolation and work remotely will be starting to wear them down. Here are five ways to help you stay sane whilst working from home.

Check In

As you would when you arrive at the office, ensure to have regular check-ins with your colleagues. Whether it be first thing at the start of the day or sporadically throughout, taking the time to speak with your team will allow you to feel connected as well as ensure everyone is on the same page. There are so many options to choose from, such as conference calls, video chats or even just WhatsApp, so choose the one that works best for you and take the time to chat. It doesn’t even always have to be about work but can even be just a funny anecdote about your pet or what you plan to do on the weekend.

Take Breaks

Making sure you are taking breaks from your computer screen is essential to staying sane whilst working remotely. Go make that second cup of coffee, do a few stretches every few hours and enjoy a deserved break. This is something that is suggested even if you are in the office as your eyes need a break from screens so make sure to implement this when working from home as well.

Change Location

Just because you are working from home, it does not mean you need to be stuck to your desk. Now you are home, utilize the different rooms in the house. Move to the living room, set up outside on the terrace or even sit at the kitchen counter. By changing location you will feel new surges of energy as well as it can offer different inspirations depending on where you are. We would suggest leaving the bedroom out as it should always be the one place in the house designated for relaxation and me time.

Log Off

Working from home, there is no longer the need to battle traffic there and back – WIN! However, it can mean that work hours get blurred and you can easily lose track of time. As much as you work hard, you also need to enjoy free time so make sure that you log off at the end of the workday and forget about it until the next morning. The work isn’t going anywhere and always remember, it is PR, not ER so even during crisis times, try not to sweat the small stuff and take some much-needed relaxation. 


When working from home, it can be difficult to remove yourself from the workday. Your office is now in the same place that you enjoy meals with family as well as relax meaning that work and personal life merge into one. This in itself can cause anxiety and extra stress as you now feel you are “stuck” at the office 24/7. It is therefore important to take some time for you. Try meditating in the morning for 15 mins to set yourself up for the day and again in the evening to decompress. There are a variety of apps that you can download to lead you in different styles, from reinvigorating to stress reduction as well as for better sleep. Choose the one that works for you and do it frequently, your body and mind will thank you.


Written By: Anika Berger, Account Manager at Atteline