Atteline PR - Steamathalon student participants performing their own tech
Atteline PR - Steamathalon student participants and instructors


Bringing Education and Technology


Canada’s leading EdTech company, Kalebr Americas, engaged Atteline to launch and attract sponsorship for the UAE’s first ParOne STEAMathalon; a competitive play-based innovation league promoting future skills and raising the bar for positive education, collaboration, happiness, wellbeing, social impact and 21st-century skills.


The media relations program was strategically executed in a staged approach over six months; first, to educate and inform the market on future skills theory and the role of AI and innovation in education, as well as introduce the parent company, Kalebr, and its co-founders; Second, to introduce the STEAMathalon competition league and reinforce its founding principles and mission, while simultaneously attracting event registrations and attendance; and third, to communicate the event outcomes and showcase its spearheading role in the application of the wider-education theory within a global context. Atteline also successfully secured major event partners for the ParOne STEAMathalon within each predefined sponsorship category, including BMW Group Middle East, AGMC, Taleeb, Careem, Dubai Autism Center, Vitacoco, Kidzapp and host venue The Els Club, to name but a few.


The hugely successful carnival-esque event saw over 500 students from more than 20 UAE schools compete with their artificial intelligence GolfBots, trained over six months to traverse a custom mini-golf course. Over 1,500 visitors attended on the day, with special guests including the Minister of State for Happiness, Her Excellency Ohood bint Khalfan Al Roumi, and His Excellency Dr Abdulla Al Karam, Director General and Board of Directors, Knowledge and Human Development Authority. The media campaign outreach resulted in an AVE of USD 10 million, with 800 eyeballs from each school including family, friends and parents resulting in 30,000+ online fan interactions.