How to make your employees brand advocates

Social media is a powerful tool for brand advocacy and it is being used more than ever to engage directly with customers. When it comes to a business, it is important to gain support from employees and build a platform in which they can support as well as establish themselves as advocates for the brand. According to Gallup, companies with high workplace engagement earned 147 percent higher and had increased the profitability of up to 21 percent compared to those that did not.

Having employees as advocates builds a positive work environment as well as individual belief in what the company stands for. So how do you build a brand by creating a company culture in which employees are actively a part of?


When it comes to branding, take the time to brief employees and allow them to fully understand the reasoning behind the latest promotion/theme/product. Even if it is to battle a negative image or as an attempt to increase sales, by being transparent with employees, it allows them to see the full picture and be genuine in their support. People can quite quickly gage when someone is not authentic and it can ultimately have an opposite outcome. Be open and honest which in turn your employees will also provide when advocating the brand.

Make it about them

Advocacy is actually a two-way street and although it directly affects the business through increased social followings and sales, it also provides employees with career growth opportunities. By publishing their industry opinions, it allows them to become experts in their field, expand their network and increase the potential of future partnerships. Employees can, therefore, use their advocacy as a way to climb the career ladder. As a company, take the time to support these employees by posting features on individuals, allowing for cross-promotion.

Be appreciative

When it comes to advocacy, ensure employees who are actively engaging do not go unnoticed. At the end of the day, employees are taking the time to go above and beyond to promote the company and it is important to nurture these talents for a sure fire way to have them post again, as well as provide an incentive for others to jump on the advocacy bandwagon. Reshare the employee’s posts, highlight them in team meetings, or simply say thank you, all simple, yet effective.

Show them how

Although the majority of the workforce are well aware of how social media works, not all may necessarily be aware of how to use it when it comes to being an advocate for the business. Offer training to ensure everyone is on the same page and understand what is expected from them. It is also beneficial to create a portal which provides a variety of posting options, making it easily accessible and efficient. By supporting employees with the tools and resources they require, employees are far more likely to get involved.


Words by: Sophie Simpson, Managing Director and Founder of Atteline